
Falmouth is the largest natural harbour in the country and this has led to it being a major port throughout its history.

Obviously there are security issues involved in this as evidenced by 2 sister castles being built on either side of the river Fal dating back to 1540. Pendennis Castle is built on the Falmouth headland, while St Mawes Castle is built on the other side of the river.

Falmouth's history as a port has also led to other interesting aspects. One of the regular sailing services from the port was the Falmouth Packet that regularly sailed to the Mediterranean and Americas which resulted in a number of exotic plants being found in the towns award winning parks.

As you would imagine the town is still a working port, with a large dockyard, but this combines well with some excellent tourist facilities including a range of boat trips to the aforementioned St Mawes and also to the exclusive Helford River

The Pyramid or Obelisk is called the Killigrew monument and is in honour of the Killigrew family who were the most influential people in the rise of Falmouth during the 16th and 17th Century. they lived in Arwenack house, which has now been restored. The monument stands ouside the Maritime Museum on Killigrew Street.

Falmouth also has some excellent hotels, pubs, restaurants and beaches, the best known being Gyllinvase. For the strong at heart you can climb Jacob's Ladder 111 steps, but you might need a quick rest in the inn of the same name afterwards.

All in all Falmouth is a great place to visit.

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